Itchy Skin After Bath or Shower Causes and Remedies

Most of us like ending our days with a refreshing bath or just a long hot shower. There is nothing as good as taking a bath, especially after a long tiresome day. But not everybody enjoys taking baths. In fact, just the thought of taking a shower is enough to drive some people nuts. And this is due to some people having an itchy skin after bath.

Body itching after a bath is not only irritating but also embarrassing. This condition can lower the general quality of life. It makes some people fear to take a shower which can negatively affect your hygiene. Scratching your skin due to the itchiness can also break the skin and leave permanent marks or worse invite other infections.

What most people don’t know is that this condition can be avoided. This article outlines the possible causes of itchy skin after a shower and their remedies.

Itchy skin after a bath
Why do I itch after a bath


Causes of itchy skin after a shower

This is the reaction of the body to a certain irritant. Several conditions can trigger the body to start itching. Sometimes it can be triggered by serious underlying conditions;

Hot showers

if you always experience itching after using hot water for your bath or shower then the hot water could be the cause of your problem. Your skin naturally produces oils that help moisturize and keep it supple. Hot water sluices these natural oils from it leaving it unprotected, dry and itchy. Itchy feet and hands after shower or bath are mostly associated with hot showers.

Hard water

Hard water contains calcium ions which can make your skin dry and itchy. Minerals in hard water can also clog skin pores leading to hives after a shower.

Contact dermatitis

Sometimes it may itch when it encounters certain skin care products especially soap during shower. Certain soaps may also cause a rash after taking a bath. Changing soaps and shampoos are not a good idea especially if you have sensitive type. Some soaps contain sodium lauryl sulfate which causes red blotches on skin after a shower. You may also be allergic to detergents used to wash towels which causes an itchy red skin after taking a shower.

Cholinergic urticaria

This is a rare condition whose symptoms are itching, burning and tingling of the skin after sweating or taking hot baths. Cholinergic urticaria is the sensitivity of the body to sweat, heat or water and symptoms may be accompanied by a rash.  This condition mostly affects people with allergies, asthma and sometimes it can also be inherited. The burning sensation can last for any time from half an hour to one hour.


Using an abrasive object to scrub it during a bath can cause injury and irritation. Also using excessive force when scrubbing may lead to your body itching after a bath.

Aquagenic pruritus

This is a rare skin condition that is characterized by severe itching when it comes in contact with water. it is sometimes referred to as water caused itching and it happens when your body’s defense mechanism trigger this condition in the presence of water. the difference between this condition and cholinergic urticaria is that Aquagenic pruritus involves an itchy skin after a shower that has no rash.

Poor diet

Our diet is responsible for keeping our skin supple and moisturized. If you are not taking the nutrients responsible for retaining its moisture, then you are bound to have it dry and itchy.

Existing skin condition

Studies have shown that showering may aggravate pre-existing conditions like eczema. The study says that people who shower with hot water are more likely to get a flare up.

Remedies for itchy skin after bath

Knowing what causes body itching after bathing is a step in the right direction towards finding the best remedy. Here are some general remedies you should try out.

Reduce shower time

Reducing the shower time is the quickest solution to this problem. Reducing shower time is basically reducing your contact with water. You don’t want to spend a lot of time on something that is harmful to your skin. Your shower time should not take more than 10 minutes so that it doesn’t lose its natural oils.

Take cooler baths

Lukewarm water is recommended for baths if you have a sensitive skin. Hot water is harmful because it strips if of its natural oils thus making it dry and causing this problem. Dr. Richard Gallo, from the University of California, also advises people with this condition not to shower frequently. He says frequent showers can remove some good bacteria from the skin hence leading to a dry and be itchy.

Use mild soaps

Using harsh toiletries can irritate and dry it out.  The best soap for itching sensitive skin should be unscented. You should also try to use products that are specifically made for one that is sensitive. Wash your towel with mild detergents. Do not switch your soap more often especially if you have yours is sensitive.

Avoid scrubbing your skin too much.

Over scrubbing it does not only leads to itching but can also cause other skin infections especially if the scrubbing breaks some parts of the skin. So, try not to scrub it so much.

Apply a thick layer of emollient

This is very effective especially if it is localized to one spot. Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the affected area immediately after a bath. Calamine lotion is also recommended as an effective remedy. Coconut oil is also a good natural moisturizer and offers soothing and treatment for dry skin. Its antibacterial properties can also help ward off infections.

Avoid scratching it

I know it that scratching always comes involuntarily for some people especially if they have an itchy skin. But am warning you against this vice because it will lead to the breaking it which can invite other more serious infections.

Eat a balanced diet

You need to learn to learn to eat a healthy diet. Take lots of water to keep your skin supple and avoid drying which causes itchiness. Oranges and vegetables will also maintain its natural oils ensuring it remains supple always.


Experiencing an itchiness after a shower is a common problem which can be avoided by one or several remedies above. However, it is recommended that you see a doctor if you are experiencing a rash that does not go away after the shower or if all the above remedies don’t work. If you have an existing skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, then it is important that you treat it to avoid getting other problems.

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