Ingrown Hair on Face Removal Treatment & Remedies

Bumps on the face that are not acne or hives could be ingrown facial hair. When in this area it can be mild and vanish of its own or treated with simple home remedies. However, severe ingrown hair on face cases would be really dreadful and would necessitate advanced treatments.

Anything that causes mild causes can also lead to the severe one. There are no mild or severe cases, it is the symptoms that can be mild or severe. Again, mild symptoms should not be ignored, chances that they would exacerbate if not given proper care or treatments is very high.

Many factors can cause an ingrown hair on the face that would later grow severe. Some of these causes are obvious while other would involve veiled or serious medical conditions.

Deep ingrown hair on face removal
Deep severe case – removal


Today, we’ll specifically dwell on exactly why one would have these condition on their face. Is it due to not attending to mild symptoms? Is it due to infections? What are these factors that would aggravate an ingrown facial hair?

Before we go to the ingrown hair on face, let’s first understand the general causes, anywhere on your body, be it your chest, groin area, legs, buttocks or on thighs.

What causes them?

An ingrown hair occurs when a short and sharp hair curls and start to grow back into your skin, or when it grows horizontally below the skin surface.  Individuals with coarse and curly hair are more susceptible. This is a condition that affects both men and female especially those in puberty.

Apart from having coarse and curly hair, below are more causes:

Poor hair removal techniques

Shaving too close or shaving the wrong direction would probably result in ingrown facial hair. Short and sharp hair can easily grow back into the skin. Irritation would also result from the equipment used to remove it. This would depend on the sensitivity of your skin. Irritations would lead to bumps and blockages in the pores and thus its emerge.

Clogged hair follicles

When the follicles are blocked, the hair would be restrained from protruding above the skin surface, and thus would grow horizontally. There are diverse reasons that would cause clogged hair follicles. The main reason here is the hormonal shifts that lead to excessive production of sebum. Excess sebum would combine with the dead skin cells and bacteria to block the skin pores, and thus result in this issue.

This is the main reason why ingrown hair is prevalent during puberty, the stage is accompanied by intense hormonal imbalances. Hormonal disorders usually result due to a number of factors. These would include certain medications, diets, and immune disorders among other factors. Genetics can also have a role in this.

Dry skin

Dry skin is tight and has reduced the size of pores. These would prevent the hair from protruding above the skin. Many factors would lead to dry skin, and they include adverse climatic changes, heavy cosmetics and skin care products, indoor heating systems, medications, diet and drinking the insufficient amount of water as required.

What leads to deep and severe cases

There are quite a number of factors that can make them severe. Some of these factors are obvious and thus negligence would be blamed is such cases. Here are what would properly result in the severe and deep cases that are likely to cause scarring (ingrown hair scars):

Popping, Squeezing or Scratching

When you pop, squeeze or scratch the result ingrown hair bumps, you would be damaging the skin tissues. Damaged skin is exposed to various infections that would definitely aggravate the situation. Again, you would be spreading infections either from other locations to the damaged area or the vice versa.

Though these bumps would be itchy in certain cases and hence, scratching, would provide some relief, you should desist from this. Find a relief for the itching either at home or from over the counter before the situation worsens.

Treating the symptoms late

At earlier stages, the symptoms would seem to be mild and would be given less attention. However, the more you keep the symptoms without medication, the more they grow worse. This condition usually accompanies irritation and inflammation that if not treated in time, then they would become very severe with time. Don’t ignore any symptoms however mild it would be.

When you have other skin conditions

In some circumstances, an individual may develop an ingrown facial hair when he/she is already having other skin conditions like acne, hives among others. In such cases, combinations of the various symptoms would result in a severe condition, this would require series of advanced treatments.

Wrong ingrown hair removal

Wrong procedures or removal tools used to remove hair at home can also aggravate the symptoms. Using tools like tweezers wrongly would make the condition severe. Digging the roots of hair manually to remove them using weird tools is also another thing you should avoid.

Large deep ones

Big or deep ingrown facial hair would tend to be severe. The deeper it is the severe the resultant symptoms. This condition should be attended to by professional medical practitioners to prevent the symptoms from worsening.

Wrong treatments

Wrong treatments is another issue that would also lead severe cases. When this condition occurs alongside other skin conditions, carrying out a proper and effective diagnosis would be a challenge and thus wrong treatments may be prescribed.

This is why we recommend that diagnosis should be done by qualified and certified medical practitioners. There are also home natural products and over the counter products that would also be harsh on the skin if applied. They would also result in severe symptoms. You should thus carry out a patch test before jumping into the full application of such products.

Symptoms of severe cases

Symptoms are also severe as the name suggests. Now, here are the symptoms related to severe ingrown hair:

  • Persistent or chronic symptoms that don’t respond to home treatments or over the counter products
  • Large bumps accompanied by extreme itching, inflammation or pain
  • Bumps filled with pus and surrounded by reddened skin

More severe symptoms such as fever, loss of consciousness, loss of weight etc. would also occur and such should be handled in an emergency background. Such severe symptoms would occur when this condition accompanies serious internal medical conditions such as problems of the kidney, heart, and liver among others.

Severe ingrown hair on the face

Treatment here would fundamentally depend on the underlying causes. Unlike with mild cases, severe ones should be treated in doctor’s office. Visit your GP immediately you discover any of the above symptoms.

The severe cases should not be treated using home remedies or over the counter drugs, this is a condition beyond the scope of home solutions. Proper diagnosis and treatment are required. This can definitely be found in doctor`s office.

Your doctor would prescribe oral antibiotics, corticosteroids or eflornithine. He or she can also prescribe light and laser therapies if necessary. He/she have more options of prescription but remember one thing, these are a stronger treatment that would also have side effects ranging from mild to severe. Follow the instructions keenly to limit the side effects and gain better results.


When an ingrown hair does not respond to natural remedies or over the counter treatments, and instead aggravates, please see your GP as soon as possible. This may be a severe case with some causes and symptoms we have seen.

You may not be able to do proper diagnosis at home and thus you may end up applying wrong treatments, something that would land you to deeper depths of the whole menace!

List of References

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