What causes the skin in between my inner thighs to turn dark? Having dark or black thighs which might at times have bumps and the darkness may extend to your bum and groin area can be so embarrassing to anyone, male or female. Whether you have a fair skin or naturally dark skin this hyperpigmentation is an intolerable nuisance. It looks less attractive.
Let us explore some of the causes and how to lighten or whiten this area using natural home remedies and other treatments including bleaching creams, laser treatments and so on.
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What makes your inner thighs to be dark? Let us briefly look at what causes this hyperpigmentation or how the skin in between your thighs may turn black or dark.

1. Exposure to UV radiation
Sunbathing is a common reason as to why some people end up with a darker skin especially on parts that exposed to sunlight.
What usually happens is that the skin tries to protect you from harmful effects of UVB rays by producing more melanin pigment to “block the UVB radiation” from reaching the inner layers your skin. Staying out in sun for longer durations may lead to the formation of dark pigments in areas exposed to it.
In addition, you may end up getting sunspots as well as get a sunburn on areas exposed to intense sunlight especially the one from around 11 am to 3 pm. If sunburn peeling occurs, you expect some hyperpigmentation when it begins healing.
2. Hormonal imbalance especially during pregnancy and periods
The second cause, that often affects women, but can also affect teenagers, is a variation in the release of hormones (hormonal imbalances) especially during menstrual cycles, during pregnancy and puberty. This imbalance can cause hyperpigmentation in some areas of the body.
3. Obesity or being overweight
Going on with causes, statistics reveal that most people who are overweight have a higher chance of their thighs always and freely touching each other. Therefore, when making leg movements, such as when one is working out or walking, the upper thighs rub against each other on the inside areas. This can cause inner thigh chafing. Also, it has been found that this rubbing induces skin inflammation that could result in the release of more melanin.
4. Certain medications
Certain medicines have side effects such as the development of dark patches on various parts of the body or they may trigger reactions that cause a discoloration of the skin. A good case is seen in women who use contraceptive medicines (pills) to control birth. This can be a cause for hyperpigmentation on various parts including the neck region, inner thighs and so on.
5. Rubbing or friction
Besides obesity, people who love wearing skin-tight clothes such as jeans and bikini, have this problem particularly in areas where the skin is in constant friction.
The armpit is one of these areas. In fact, this rubbing can be worse for individuals who are overweight and have prominent skin folds. Therefore, we can say that friction can cause dark underarms, butt and groin areas.
6. Excessive sweating and other discharges
According to Eva (of Bay Harbour Med Spa), people, especially women who excessively perspire between their thighs may create a perfect condition for fungi or bacteria to grow. Wearing tight clothes doubles the woes to make it worse. She goes on to mention something on vaginal discharges. Here she comments that lack of sanitary pads paves way for the discharges to leak into this areas.
In one way or the other, these leaking may promote and consequently increase bacterial or fungal growth. Due to an increased activity of the microorganisms, irritation could result. If your skin is irritated the melanocyte cells are triggered to release more melanin. And that is how the dark pigmentation or hyperpigmentation results. This can be a havoc for women who are bikini lovers.
And if you want to get more, don’t navigate away before you listen to Eve’s insightful highlights in her video clip “Advice for Black Women with Inner Thigh Discoloration,” provided.
7. Other causes
What else could be the reason for your dark skin or hyperpigmentation in this area? Some of the other causes include:
- Genetic factor.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
- Shaving and poor methods of hair removal.
- Skin disorders.
Before we move on to treatments, we will take a little time to discuss more on causes of dark armpits and inner thighs.
Dark underarms and inner thighs – is it PCOS
Why are my underarms turning dark or inner thighs? Could it be a sign of hormonal imbalance or pregnancy? Apart from the influence of hormones, if you have this problem you may consider it to be from an excessive sweating problem for either of these areas. We earlier looked at all that so, we do not emphasize more.
Besides the above, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine or hormonal disorder that may affect women who are at their reproductive ages may be the other culprit to blame for this hyperpigmentation. Research has not yet shown its exact cause.
Many women with PCOS problem usually go without their periods (missed periods) or if they have them, they are unusually heavy and irregular periods. It also can lead to dark pigmentation in skin folds on underarms or thighs. Other symptoms include:
- A reduced breast size,
- Thinning hair on the scalp,
- Weight gain
- Acne
Now, be very much encouraged to get diagnosed if you think you have some of the symptoms highlighted.
Erythrasma bacteria
Besides PCOS, another possible cause darkening of the skin on thighs and armpits is are species of bacteria which is known to worsen sweating. For instance, Erythrasma is a bacterial infection responsible for causing the issue – according to The Fit Indian. This infection is brought about by Corynebacterium minutissimum bacterium.
Deodorant use
Another issue to really think about is the use of deodorants and antiperspirant sprays. If you use them excessively do not be surprised if this ‘darkness under your arms’ crops up.
No one needs to see their armpits, groin or thighs remain dark. There are various treatment approaches. However, the method you will go for may be determined by some factors such as how fast you want to get rid this black skin or hyperpigmentation. To reduce chances of the condition worsening and requiring expensive treatment, immediately hyperpigmentation start to appear, start off by tackling them with home remedies which we will discuss later.
If you opt to go for medical procedures remember that they are costly. If you need to lighten your underarms, for instance, you can acquire bleaching creams. However be careful on the ingredients of the creams you apply on your skin to avoid mercury poisoning.
For women with PCOS, the following are some tips to prevent skin discoloration:
- Doing a daily skin exfoliation including on the arms, abdomen, and legs,
- Use of over-the-counter skin care products and lighteners. In some cases, prescription-strength products are required.
- Try workouts and body exercises if there is a noticeable increase in body weight,
- Stop smoking.
We are going to see details on managing the problem of dark spots on inner thighs, hyperpigmentation which can also be applied to your underarms.
How to get rid of dark or inner thighs
Can I use bleaching creams to whiten my inner thighs? Yes, you can. In fact, using bleaching or lightening creams, gels, lotions, or some of the natural bleaching products is one common way to go. However, it can take quite a while before results begin to surface. It, therefore, calls for you to be a little patient while you are consistently following the right routine in using them.
Are there other ways to opt for if you want quick or overnight results? Let us look at some of the common ways.
1. Try bleaching creams
If you opt for creams, do not buy just any other you find in the market. Doctors often recommended that some of best bleaching and whitening creams should be prescribed by dermatologists. This is crucial because various products come in different concentrations and have different ingredients. To prevent cases of skin burning and possible poisoning, it is a wise thing to get advice before you start to use any of these products especially Over-The-Counter creams, gels, and scrubs. Some products can affect people who have dry skin or one that is sensitive.
Here are a few ingredients which can help lighten the dark areas.
- Mandelic acid,
- Kojic acid,
- Alpha-arbutin,
- Niacinamide, etc.
Generally, hydroquinone or products whose hydroquinone active concentration is more than 3% are highly discouraged.
If you sweat very much use products to kill and keep bacteria at bay. An example of such products is Eva Mini Deo Rave.
Best whitening or bleaching cream for inner thighs
For any skin cream product to give expected results, it must be tested and proved to be working with regard to its mechanism of action. Also, it must be within your affordability limits – the cost. Some of best creams including lightening creams are herbal. Try some of these:
- Hi-Q QIANSOTO Whitening Cream for Armpit Inner thigh Elbow Knee,
- Armpit & Bikini Area Whitening Cream,
- Oblonec Delicate pussy whitening cream
- Whitening Leg Therapy Cream Anti Bacteria Groin Inner Thigh Brightening, etc.
If you realize that your hyperpigmentation is not improving or it is worsening, it is most probable that you are not doing it correctly or have had the dark skin for quite a long time. Consider other medical treatments. Remember that if you are overweight, dealing with this without attempts to lose weight or thigh fats is quite difficult. Otherwise, do not be surprised to find out that it worsens.
2. Medical Treatments
Certain bleaching products can take longer before you start to see expected results. While it stands, new breakthroughs in technology have enabled dermatologists and experts to provide improved solutions to get rid of problems associated with skin hyperpigmentation and discoloration.
These treatments are of substantial quality and can replace bleaching and lightening cream products. In addition to achieving a “life-long” or permanent skin whitening, these treatments simultaneously ensure you an even skin tone in the end. Owing to the fact that these dermatological processes are expensive, you need to properly plan for it.
To help you have a rough projection and insight after treatments, we have included before and after pictures. These include:
Laser treatment
Laser techniques involve the use of various laser beam to reduce pigmentation (depigmentation process) which as medicinent.com notes, the “used lasers are the pulsed-dye laser, the YAG laser, the CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser, the argon laser, the excimer laser, the KTP laser, and the diode laser.”
Laser treatments are only done at a doctor’s clinic. Again, not all laser techniques are not suitable for thigh area. However, your dermatologist can determine the best one to apply to get rid of black spots, darkened thighs, pigmentation disorder, etc.

Prior to any clinical treatment ensure that you get enough information and facts about laser. This can also be helpful as much as you would want to get treatment from genuine clinical doctors.
There are other treatments such as
- Dermabrasion
- Microdermabrasion and microdermabrasion scrubs
- Chemical Peel
- Cryosurgery/Cryotherapy (for removal of raised growths)
- Microneedle rollers
- Chemical peels, etc.
3. Proper cleaning
If you have regular discharges (vaginal) or blackheads in inner thighs or sweat excessively between your legs. Cleaning your body is something you must do daily. Apart from preventing accumulation of dead skin cells, you would be reducing irritation and buildup of germs – infection-causing bacteria, and other microorganisms. However, avoid chemical containing soaps in cleaning.
Additionally, consider going for consultation if you think the problem is causing a lot discomfort. Remember to apply a moisturizer after cleaning or exfoliating your skin.
4. Natural lightening remedies
How do natural remedies help in lightening these dark areas? Whether you have a natural dark or light skin, the following are some products and procedures to follow and carry out while from the comfort of your home. A good number of the procedures as you will see involves using lemon which is a natural bleaching ingredient.
Keep in mind that for these remedies to lighten dark inner thighs naturally to work well, they should be applied timely, consistently and for a longer time.
1. Coconut and lemon
Lemon can be used alone in a similar procedure but combining it with coconut is more ideal. While lemon can act as a natural bleaching agent, coconut helps to lighten darkened and hyperpigmented skin. Coconut works naturally in moisturizing your skin lightening it.
- Squeeze a half-piece fresh lemon into a small dry and clean bowl.
- Add 3 tablespoonful of coconut oil (of your preference) and mix well.
- Apply to the mixture to the affected thigh area and massage for about 10 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water and pat dry using dry palms or piece of soft cloth.
- Repeat for at least 3 weeks.
Be careful if you have a sensitive skin type. Lemon can particularly cause some stinging effect or irritate it.
2. Olive oil
Use a similar procedure for coconut and lemon. You can also add little lemon juice if you want to.
3. Turmeric + Curd and lemon
If you have an extremely sensitive reaction to lemon on your skin, try other natural lightening methods. For instance, do the following.
- Measure 1 tablespoonful of sour curd and add some lemon juice.
- Pick a small ‘pinch’ of turmeric powder and add to your mixture.
- Apply the mixture directly on your thighs while rubbing them gently. Leave it to dry.
- Once it has dried, with the help of wet hands or gloves, scrub the area affected and clean it with cool water.
4. Powder Milk & almond oil & Honey scrub
If you realize a clear difference in the color between your thighs and lower legs i.e. your thighs are beginning to appear dark, give yourself a bet on this natural method to turn round and prevent that nasty tannish dark appearance.
The amount of your scrub you need will be determined by the surface area you are applying it. Take equal amount of powdered milk and honey and mix well. Add a few drops of almond oil so that a thicker paste is made. Apply it to your thighs. Optionally you may want to add few drops of lemon juice.
5. Almond oil + Aloe Vera Gel
Another natural home remedy is a mixture of almond oil and aloe vera. Almond is appropriate because it is a source of Vitamin E. These are the steps to follow:
- Scoop 3 tablespoon Aloe Vera gel (freshly made) and then add about 10 drops of almond oil.
- Apply to small massage movements to ensure you rub it well and allow for absorption.
- Wipe excess of the paste with a wet towel or you can leave it there.
- Wash it off after about 15 minutes or when it dries.
Video: Advice for Black with this problem

Before and after images
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For fast or overnight results
Are there a faster means to get rid of black or inner thigh darkness? The best and most effective way is starting lightening techniques immediately the darkness is noticeable. You can begin with home remedies as well as skin whitening creams.
Of course, if you want quick results, laser skin lightening is the most recommended procedure. However, it is costly or expensive.
Besides laser skin whitening, creams are something you should consider. Caution must be taken to avoid instances of (mercury) poisoning particularly when using some bleaching creams on this area. Experts advise or recommend that you visit a dermatologist to guide you and decide on what or how to get best brands and how to use these creams in the most appropriate manner.
Itchy Black, with blackheads and bumps?
Presence of blackheads can make your inner thighs to look extremely pathetic and worsen it all. Typically, blackheads appear due to the accumulation of excess oil that together with dead skin cells may clog skin pores.
If you ignore exfoliating your skin, you end up getting an itchy skin rash due to the friction, accumulation of dead skill cells and bacteria or fungal infection.
As opposed to the black skin in this area, most cases of inner thigh bumps may be formed due to unrelated reasons. For instance, if you find that your thighs are getting itchy, carefully consider how you remove hair from upper legs and groin area. Bumps including ingrown hair on your inner thighs can be a result of poor hair removal or bikini waxing.
Way forward for overweight people
To conclude, if you are obese or overweight, it would seem to be unreasonable trying to get rid of darkened inner thighs without putting into place workable fat weight loss programs and strategies. First though, avoid wearing tight jeans and trousers.
There are several working mechanisms to help you out. But the natural ways (like natural food supplements, regular workouts, etc.) are by far recommended as they have added value to staying healthy. Furthermore, women who are suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) can benefit much if they are actively involved in losing weight.
Make sure you follow all guidelines and stick to instructions from your medical doctor after you have had treatments to whiten skin.
Our Reference and Sources
- http://positivemed.com/2014/06/15/dark-inner-thighs/
- http://www.paulaschoice.com/expert-advice/womens-skincare/_/polycystic-ovary-syndrome