Blackheads on Legs and Thighs Causes and Treatment

What causes blackheads on legs? How can I differentiate blackheads from other skin disorders? Blackheads normally trigger psychological effects especially when they occur in places that they can be easily spotted. They normally seem to be mild skin disorder but if infected can be another hell altogether!

So go through this article to get detailed information about their causes and symptoms. We have also discussed fast and effective ways of getting rid of these blackheads.


Blackheads always develops when there is formation of a plug or a clog on the opening of the hair follicle in individual`s skin. Usually, a follicle contains one hair and sebaceous glands that produces sebum (body oil). These oils play a very important role in the body as it keeps the skin soft and hydrated.

Blackheads on legs
How they will look like

When dead skin cells coalesce with sebum in the opening of hair follicles, they will form what we call a comedone. So when the comedone is closed below the skin layer, it will be called a whitehead (closed comedone) but when it is exposed in air, it will be oxidized ant turns black to form a blackhead (open comedone)Blackheads between legs - inner thighs

Therefore, in this section, we are going to discuss some of the factors that increases chances of formation of blackheads on legs, which include:

1. Overproduction of Body oils

Excess body oils is the major trigger of blackheads in your body, am glad you are now aware. When there is overproduction of body oils, there will be rapid formation of clogs or plugs in the pores leading to formation of the blackheads. Several factors can influence the excess secretion of body oils. They include hormonal variations, genetics, and certain foods among others.

2. Hormonal changes

Hormonal variations experienced during puberty, periods and pregnancy is a prime cause of overproduction of sebum. During the indicated stages, there is usually a surge in the level of hormone androgen, which triggers production of excess sebum as well as rapid turnover of the skin cells. This is enough to trigger various forms of acnes including blackheads on legs and thighs.

Over secretion of hormone, androgen usually heightens the risk of blackheads and other types of acne as well as excessive growth of hair especially in adult women. It also attached to polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Remember that same hormonal changes can also occur during menopause making women undergoing this period to be also susceptible to blackheads.

3. cosmetics, Cleansers and certain clothing

When cosmetics and some body cleanser are left in the body for long period, this may lead to irritation of hair follicles since the dead skin cells will not be shed off on a regular basis. Again, some clothing that block or cover the skin pores can also lead to the same phenomenon.

In addition, some clothing are also made out of materials that are irritating in nature. The accumulation of dirt in hair follicles is all the same dreadful when it comes to blackheads! It can lead to irritation of hair follicles hence triggering blackheads.

Therefore, it will be ideal to take regular shower to get rid of cosmetics and cleanser as well as dirt that may have over stayed in your skin.


Blackheads on legs can also be triggered by certain medications such as corticosteroids, androgens, lithium or birth control medications. Your body may perceive some of these medications ill-disposed and begin to respond to them negatively. This can lead to development of various skin disorders including blackheads.

More factors

Below are more factors that can increase the likelihoods of blackheads formations:

  • Being overweight
  • Sun poisoning
  • Excessive pollution
  • High humidity
  • Accumulating of propionibacterium acnes on the skin.
  • Intensive stress
  • Wrong use of cosmetics
  • Improper skin cleansing techniques and others

All the blackheads triggers discussed above are to not only blackheads on legs but also blackheads on others parts of the body e.g. face, chest, breast, penile shaft, back or other places.

When on thighs

What causes blackheads on my thighs? Well, just like other parts of the body, blackheads can present on thighs since this part also have hair follicles. Apart from over-secretion of sebum in this area, other factors that can trigger raised black bumps on inner thighs include profuse sweating, certain lotions and creams, razor burn, hormonal variations, certain medications among other factors. Friction can also be blamed for inner thigh blackheads and blackheads between thighs.

The best option for blackheads on inner thighs treatment is to keep the area clean and friction-free (avoid tight clothing). This should be done before you could visit your doctor for further treatments.

See more on blackheads on inner thighs causes, treatments and remedies

 Symptoms and diagnosis

Blackheads are the types of the skin disorders that can be easily spotted due to their black color. These mild forms of acnes are slightly raised black bumps and are usually not painful because they are non-inflamed. Actually, this major factor differentiate them from pimples. According to, “Pimples form when bacteria invade the blockage in the hair follicle, causing redness and inflammation.”

Therefore, it is true that, when the comedones on leg skin is infected, then we will not talk of blackheads anymore but rather talk of leg pimples. Extension of the infections can also lead to pimples thigh and legs.

Usually blackheads does not occur alongside direct symptoms rather than black spots on the skin. Linked symptoms are rough skin, pore enlargement, scars and peeling skin. In some cases, irritations and pains may be present with blackheads but note that, these would be severe form of acnes.

Diagnosis of blackheads may be done by characterizing blackheads as mild, moderate of severe acne. This will help to establish the right and proper medication. It will also help to determine the likeness of psychological effects on the victims.

Note that acnes may be grouped into three levels. These are comedones, inflammatory lesions and cysts (severe forms of acnes). There are various diagnostic guides and scaling that doctors or dermatologist use to diagnose various acnes.

How to get rid of blackheads on legs?

To define meritoriously the best blackhead treatment, one must at least know the underlying triggers. The mildness or severity of the blackheads can also determine the type of medications to be employed. So below are some of the commonly known blackhead treatments.

1. Use of over the counter products

To reduce the production of excess oil, kill the acne causing bacteria and to get rid of dead skin cells, you can try various over the counter products. These blackhead removal products contain ingredients that fights the acne triggers. They include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and so forth.

However, before you could purchase them, remember one thing, establish specific trigger for your blackheads. Also, make sure to follow the instructions that come alongside these medications.

2. Prescribed Treatments

When you feel that over counter medications may not be apt for your case, there are stronger grand medications that your doctor may prescribe for you.  Common prescribed therapies are medications containing Vitamin A (tretinoin, tazarotene, and adapalene), benzoyl peroxide as well as antibiotics. They are applied directly to the skin and they help avert plugs from forming in the hair follicles.

3. Blackhead extractor tool

Sometimes, blackheads can also be temporarily be gotten rid of using manual removal method. Dermatologist can also use an instrument known as round loop extractor to get rid of the plug inducing the blackheads. How is this tool used in the removal of blackheads? A small opening is made in the plug and then little pressure is applied to mine the clog.

4. Try Chemical peels

Clogs or plugs can be removed through application of certain chemicals that gently peel the top skin layer. These chemical peels are applied to the skin and they take to give desired results. Mild peels are usually available over the counter but stronger peels are only used by skin specialist or doctors. Before applying these chemical peels, you must make sure that your skin is not sensitive to these given peels.

5. Other removal ways

Other procedures that can be used to get rid of blackheads on legs include light and laser therapy and microdermabrasion. There are also home procedures or products that be a good remedy to treat blackheads. So scroll below to get more insight on these home remedies.

Try home remedies

There are wide variety of home remedies that are used to control various skin disorders. They work perfectly amazing especially for mild blackheads. So what are some of the good remedies?

1.Radish seeds and water

Make a paste of ground radish seeds by adding some amount of water to ground seeds. You can then apply the paste on the affected skin and wash it off using gentle body cleansers. When this remedy is applied consistently, it can give out wonderful result. It will absolutely cure various symptoms of blackheads.

2. Apply squashed tomato

Another effective home remedy for treating blackheads is application of squashed tomato. This method involves application of the squashed tomato on the affected skin. Tomato are known for their good cleansing property so they will get rid of dead skin cells and dirt from your pores. After 20 minutes, wash it away and for sure, your skin will appear like that of a young baby!

3. Lime juice and ground oil

Mix 1 tablespoon of lime juice and a tablespoon of ground nut oil. Apply the mixture on the area attacked by the blackheads and give it around 20 minutes. Then wash it away using a gentle cleanser. This will unclog the pores and kill the acne causing bacteria.

4. Cornstarch and vinegar paste

This is another wonderful blackhead treatment.  Prepare paste of cornstarch and vinegar and then apply it on the nutty blackheads. Give it enough time to dry, after then, rinse it off using non-harsh cleanser. You can repeat the procedure at least once in a day for two weeks. By doing so, you would have killed acne causing bacteria and gotten rid of dead skin cells. You skin will also be perfectly cleansed hence keeping away the blackheads.

5. Regular shower

I think this is the best blackhead home remedy. It help in getting rid of dead skin cells, excess oils and accrual of dirt on your skin that may trigger the formation of the blackheads. Imagine travelling in a polluted road full of dust and staying several hour without bathing! Am sure you know the result. So always, take regular shower to avoid unnecessary misfortunes.

6. More remedies

To get rid of those worrisome blackheads you can also:

  • Apply sugar scrub on the affected skins
  • Apply baking soda solution
  • Apply honey and milk pore strips
  • Use egg white masks
  • Apply cinnamon and honey pore strips

It is normally a good idea to extract blackheads using home remedies after taking hot shower. According to Sandra Lee, a board-certified dermatologist based in Upland, California, also a skin cancer specialist and cosmetic surgeon, “Extractions soon after a hot shower is probably best, since steam helps to loosen up the debris within your pores, making extractions smoother and easier.”

Dr. Lee also recommends that blackhead victims see their doctor if their previous medications seem not to bear fruits,  “If you go too far, you run the risk of infection, persistent redness or darkening of the area, and possibly permanent scarring.”

We also have to treat blackheads just like we treat the dreadful pimples however mild they can seem to be. If we give them chances, they can be infected they will become severe. Note also that, when applying the homes remedies or over the counter drugs and your blackheads don’t get any better, see your doctor immediately!

References and sources