Causes and Cures to Get Rid of Saggy Skin Under Eyes

The skin under the eyes is usually the first to show signs of aging. This saggy skin under the eyes can make you look older and tired.  Most people experience loose skin around, beneath or below eyes after their mid-forties and the changes can be noticed as one laughs or smiles. Others, unfortunately, notice them all the time.


Sagging under eyes happens since the skin loses collagen and elastin as we grow older. This area has sensitive skin which makes it more vulnerable compared to other body parts. Apart from this, other factors like poor diet, not getting enough sleep, not drinking enough water and failing to have a good regimen to take care of it, speeds up the sagging process. The area will also be affected by tugging, rubbing, and massaging when done repeatedly.

Eyes without and with saggy skin under eyes
Without and with a saggy look

Sagging Eyelids treatment – creams, lifts, and fillers

Prevention is always better than treatment and seeing that the skin under the eyes is very sensitive, one should start taking care of it before the signs of aging crop up. Have a good care regimen that takes care of your skin from your teenage years. Sagging eyelids treatment options include:

Eye Creams

Look for a good eye cream that maintains the skin condition and keeps the area under the eyes moisturized. A good cream will slow down the aging process and help tighten the area. Choose one that moisturizes and also contains SPF protection for use during the day.

A nighttime cream should be restorative and potent so as to help rejuvenate and repair the skin around the eyes.  It will also get rid of toxins, radicals and all elements likely to wear this part down.

Try eye creams
Creams may help

Use an Astringent

An astringent is applied to the skin to naturally keep it tight. It also helps control oil and tightens pores. The astringent should be used daily for quick results.


This involves getting Botox shots as early as possible depending on how damaged your skin is. Under eye, fillers help to quickly fix and prevent sagging. The Botox paralyzes the skin cells around the eyelids and holds them in position preventing it from drooping. Make sure not to get too much since it could make your face get a frozen or emotionless look.

Dermal fillers may help - Courtesy of Savannah Plastics Surgery
Dermal fillers may help – Courtesy of Savannah Plastics Surgery

Eye Lifts

Eye lifts are mostly done when the sagging skin under eyes gets bad and non-surgical options are no longer feasible. It’s a direct way of addressing this problem although it’s a bit expensive. It’s has a high success rate although invasive.

Consider eye lifts
Lifts before and after

Home remedies for skin tightening around eyes

Over the counter, creams and surgical procedures can improve eyelid appearance but some people prefer to go all natural. When done consistently, these home remedies can improve the look of your skin, especially around the eyes.

Ice therapy for sagging lower eyelids 

This is a great way to handle this problem. Ice will improve circulation and promote the tightness and health of your skin.


Wrap an ice cube with a clean towel then massage it onto the loose sagging skin using upward movements. Do this for 10 minutes and allow the water to dry on its own.


Rose water acts like a natural astringent. It tightens loose skin under eyes and makes it glow.


Apply some rose water around your eyelids than allow it to dry on its own.

You can also soak cotton pads in chilled rose water, place them on the eyes and relax for it to work the magic for some time. Do this before bed every day.

Rose water

Aloe Vera

Massaging Aloe Vera is one of the best under eye skin tightening treatments.  It improves its elasticity through malic acid and acts as a natural moisturizer which ensures it remains hydrated too.

Aloe vera remedy
Aloe vera remedy


Use fresh aloe Vera by scooping it out from the leaves. Massage gently under the eyes, wait it out for some time then rinse off with cold water. Repeat this procedure twice a day for effectiveness.


Honey has antioxidants that will prevent the under eyelids skin from sagging.

Manuka honey
Manuka honey



Use honey to massage your under eyes daily before bedtime. Give it time to work its magic then rinse off using cold water.


Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. This will protect your skin from losing its elasticity. Hydration will keep your it supple and also flush out toxins. This will then make it tight, supple and clear.

Egg white mask

Another way to tighten skin under eyes naturally is by use of egg whites which are a natural skin tightener. Egg whites also help reduce wrinkles.

Egg whites
Egg whites


Take an organic egg and apply the egg white to the affected area using a gentle brush. Let it dry then wipe off using warm water.


In case you cannot stand the egg white smell, try cucumber juice. Cucumbers contain vitamin C and caffeic acid which are natural antioxidants. They promote collagen production and protect the skin from UV damage. They are also natural hydrants that help keep the skin moisturized, fresh and healthy.

Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice



Get a fresh cucumber and crush it. Apply the juice to the eyelids daily to minimize the sagging skin.



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