Facts about Aloe Vera Gel for Sunburns

The sun is very important when it comes to giving us vitamin D. but we all know that too much of something is poisonous. And in the case of too much exposure to it, you are bound to get sunburns. When you get it, your skin turns red and hurts. Some cases severe that you can develop sunburn blisters. Nausea, fever, headaches and general body weakness are other signs of worse cases. The skin can also start peeling off within a few days after the exposure.

If you have had this condition, then you probably looking for the best sunburn remedies. And there is nothing better than Aloe Vera. Aloe has been used to treat skin conditions for a very long time. It has got antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which make it the best sunburn relief. Applying Aloe Vera sunscreen gel on your burns will reduce the swelling and quicken the healing time.

Here are some things you need to know about this magic plant;

Aloe can be used in two ways

There are two ways you can use Aloe Vera for sunburn skin treatment. You can either use the raw pure gel extracted directly from the plant or buy a relief cream with it as one of the ingredients. You can extract its pure gel from the leaves. You bisect the leaf, then scoop the gel using a spoon. You can also blend the leaves using a blender to extract the juice.

Aloe vera remedy
Can it help?


There are several types of moisturizers that contain it. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, using such a moisturizer will help make your skin feel better. However, the same website warns that you must ensure the respective ointment does not contain alcohol.

Alcohol products will sting and dry out your skin causing more damage. If you want to know how to often apply it, then the answer is that it depends on the severity of your burns.

There is no direct evidence linking Aloe Vera gel to sunburn relief

Some researchers have argued that using it for treating sunburn is just a myth and the remedy does not work. These researchers argue that even though the plant has got strong anti-inflammatory properties, that does not make it the best remedy for sunburn.

According to LIVESTRONG.COM, A study published in the September 2005 issue of the “Journal Of Medical Association of Thailand” found treatment with 70 percent aloe Vera cream for three weeks after exposure to ultraviolet ingredients among 20 healthy volunteers was an ineffective treatment. Skin redness was the same in areas treated with it.

Some people are allergic it

Before using it, you should try it on a small area of your skin and see how it reacts with your body. On rare occasions, some people have reported their bodies being allergic to Aloe Vera gel for burns. They said it causes skin reaction and mild discomfort. Apart from the allergy, the other side effect is that the smell is horrible to some people.

Prevention is the best cure

There are several home remedies, but the best remedy would be to apply a sunscreen moisturizer before going to bask in the sun. Sunburns have far worse reaching complications. They are the number one cause of skin cancer. You can avoid all these complications by preventing them.