Raised Tattoo Causes, Itchy, After Healing & Treatments

Is your raised tattoo giving you hard time? Learn more about causes including an itchy one and one that raises after healing as well as treatments and remedies.

A raised tattoo is normal during the healing stage but it can as well be a sign of infection or some kind of a problem. This condition can also develop after it has healed.

Besides being raised, other symptoms like rashes, bumps and much more may develop alongside and they may be mild or severe. Severe symptoms will need medical attention.

Raised and bumpy tattoo
Raised and bumpy tattoo
Raised tattoo as a design
Raised tattoo as a design



Why is my tattoo raised? If you looking for the answers, here are the common causes:

Allergic reaction to ink used

Allergies to certain tattoo inks used are very uncommon but they do happen. Mostly, red and yellow inks tend to be the common culprits. However, it is very rare to develop some symptoms of an allergic reaction to healed one.

Some symptoms one can have includes painful, itchy, inflamed tattoo. To treat this problem, the tattoo may be removed. Try to establish if you are allergic to any ink you want to be used before the process. This could help to determine the suitable ink to be used.

We will discuss some home remedies and ways to deal this kind of allergic reactions later in the post. If remedies do not yield any better result, immediately book an appointment with your medical service provider.

Harsh weather conditions

Some researchers have proved that many tattoos will commonly be raised during summer or winter seasons. Summers are always accompanied by reduced humidity and dry air.

Again, during winter nights, some individuals will try to stay warm due to extreme colds. This will, therefore, lead to reduced humidity and dry air just like in summer.

Many tattoo artists have been quoted saying that, dry air and humidity have got potential to lead to irritation that would eventually lead to this problem.

Skin conditions

Various skin conditions can affect your tattoo either influencing it to be raised or to be itchy. The conditions can be as mild as skin dryness or as severe as eczema.

Visit your dermatologist in case you suspect you have some unmasked skin conditions. He/she will come up with treatment options to help relieve the skin conditions causing your this issue as well as other symptoms that may accompany it such as itching, scaling, etc.

Body reaction

It is equally significant to acknowledge that, one can be a victim of itchy and rising even if he/she does not have underlying skin conditions like eczema that can induce skin dryness.

After the ink has been added to your skin, body reactions thereafter could lead to this problem. Sometimes conditions like changes in blood pressure, temperature and a surge in adrenaline as well as the food one consumes can also trigger a healed tattoo to rise.

Overworking it

The placement of tattoo on individual’s skin can vary depending on once desire. Some people will have it on their arms, legs or otherwise. Excessive exercise that would involve the movement of the skin around the tattooed place may cause it to rise. Sometimes itching may also be triggered.

This is very common to when it has not healed completely, so avoid such exercises and resume them after you are convinced that it healed. This will reduce the risk of infection, itching or raising.

Scratching or trauma

Sometimes you may develop the urge to scratch a fresh or healed tattoo due to itchiness. This kind of urge can sometimes not be avoided but just bear in mind that, it can lead to more irritation that can even lead to infections.

Remembers all the infections have the potential to raise it. So try patting the itchy skin instead of scratching, in case that is not a relief, please try other home remedies for itchiness like the application of aloe vera or olive oil. If the itching still persist, seek medical attention.

Raised and Itchy

Can one develop raised and itchy tattoo? Is it possible to have a non-itchy raised one? Well, it very possible for one develop one that is itching and raised. On the other hand, an individual can also develop non-itchy raised tattoo.

All these will depend on causative factors. Such conditions can be developed during or after healing. So this, therefore, call for good care during and after they have healed.

Raised after healing

A good number of people normally develop raised tattoo during that healing stages but that is not in any way a guarantee that the same condition cannot be developed after it has healed. Therefore, it should be clear it could be raised during healing or after healing.

Several factors can make it become raised after it has healed. These factors can include infections, allergens, underlying skin conditions, development of the rashes, harsh weather conditions among others.

This may happen since many people concentrate on a lot of care during the healing stage forgetting that healed ones also need care too.

How to treat a raised tattoo

People can suffer from this problem occasionally or consistently. Note the fact that it can be raised and itchy are two conditions that normally occur at the same time. Again, it is possible for it to be raised but not itchy.

In this section will cover some of the possible treatments. Some of these treatments are also suitable for treating and itchy. The treatments will depend on what caused it.

When caused by extreme weather

Weather normally trigger occasional irritation that leads to this problem. This is always prevalent during summertime when high temperature and humidity are high. This may induce slight tattoo swelling. The swelling can potentially stretch its skin gently making it be raised a bit.

If this condition happens while it is healing, then it is likely to be damaged if at all you will be tempted to give in to the urge of scratching. Try to spray it will rubbing alcohol or pat it with your clean hands instead of scratching.

There are also available topical creams, ice or cool water that will provide a relief to itchiness or discomfort. Remember to do this until such a time that the weather condition improves.

Also, cold winter can lead to similar problems. The dry skin has the ability to trigger itchy rashes. These rashes can appear on the healed tattoo. Note that, if the pigment under the skin is exposed to extreme cold, it will react may react. So one is advised to keep his or her skin moist with lotion and avoid adverse changes in temperatures. This for sure will be a great

Allergic reaction

Allergic reaction to the ink is always the most common reason for itchy, raised one. If this kind of reaction does not usually appear immediately after being the procedure. It can manifest itself some weeks later.

An excellent way of treating allergic reaction is the application of topical ointments, which will help to relieve mild irritations due to allergic reactions. Again, OTC or prescribed drugs such as antihistamine can be applied as well. In severe cases of persistent itchy, raised tattoo, the removal may be recommended.

When due to skin conditions

Some underlying skin conditions will only reveal themselves after being made a little bit more sensitive by the tattooing process. As we have indicated earlier, the skin conditions can range as mild as dry skin to as severe as eczema.

Therefore, in case you suspect it is due to skin conditions, please it is very advisable to visit your dermatologist who will find the root cause and provide suitable medication.

Remember it can be very difficult to establish whether this problem is due to skin conditions by yourself.

When due to body changes

Body changes including variation in blood pressure, increase adrenaline, temperature changes can have some influence on your tattoo. Therefore, upon noticing that it has started becoming itchy and raised, you should re-think about what you have been doing lately that could induce it.

Due to overworking the skin where it is placed. 

Activities that can exhaust the tattooed skin should be stopped for a while until it completely heals. These activities will include going to gym, running, walking long distances or even carrying heavy loads. Remember when this area is overworked, the tattoo may become itchy and raised.

Infected raised tattoo

Infections also are equally a reason to make it raised. Many infections can lead it raising and becoming itchy. Such conditions should be brought to the doctor`s attention.

In addition, avoid all activities that can potentially lead to infections. Below are the summarized activities that could lead to infections:

  • Swimming in chlorinated pools
  • Wearing tight clothes that can irritate it
  • Using dirty beddings, towels, and clothing
  • Touching it while it is still healing with dirty hands
  • Smoking during healing stages

Once the specific infection has been identified, get the appropriate treatment. Fungal infection may need antifungals while infections caused by bacteria may require antibiotics.

The time it will take to normalize will actually depend on various factor including an individual`s body response.

Good care during healing

What a tattoo fanatic should not forget is that care should be paramount during the healing stage and even after healing since it can be raised at any stage.


  • Do not scratch your itchy raised tattoo
  • After applying some home remedies or over the counter products and the situation still worse, see your doctor immediately.
References List
  1. https://www.bustle.com/articles/96418-why-do-tattoos-raise-even-after-theyve-healed-your-bumpy-ink-is-likely-caused-by-one
  2. http://tattoo.about.com/cs/disease/a/aa042703a.htm
  3. http://www.skin-artists.com/itchy-raised-tattoos.htm
  4. https://askbme.com/2008/01/09/raised-tattoo-means-botched-tattoo/
  5. http://tattoos.lovetoknow.com/Healing_Stages_of_Tattoos