7 Home Remedies for Milia White Spots Under Eyes

Milium cysts “milky spots” tend to occur on the face, including the undereye area. These skin condition has the appearance of “whiteheads” and can be particularly stubborn to treat.  However, before you go on listing laser treatment or chemotherapy on your bucket list.

Consider trying some home remedies that may effectively deal with the issue. Let’s face it, sometimes, natural remedies that can easily be concocted within the confines of our kitchen are the better option. Here are some home remedies to try out for milia cysts.

Facial Sauna

Steaming your face is an effective option to speed up the healing of milia. Steaming is beneficial as it unclogs pores, while at the same time removing the dead skin cells.

White spots under eyes - Milia


There are various approaches to this remedy. First, take a clean sauna towel and soak it in hot water. Next, wring out the excess water and place the warm towel on the area affected by milia. Alternatively, you can opt for a sauna steamer, or simply do a steam facial at home. Wash your face using a gentle cleanser, and pat dry. Then, put some boiled water in a bowl and hold your face over the steaming water. You should steam your face for about 10 minutes.

A facial sauna not only opens your pores but also improves circulation in your skin.

Consider harnessing the benefits of Lemon, pineapple juice

Citrus fruits have several benefits for the skin. First, they have antibacterial and antioxidant properties that aid in naturally cleansing the skin. You can squeeze out some lemon juice and use a small ball of cotton to apply it on the affected area. Alternatively, you can do the same using the pineapple juice.

You can make a facial mask using lemon juice and sugar, or lemon juice and honey. Honey is good as it also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties making it a great combination of lemon juice. Take a tablespoon of raw honey, and half squeezed lemon juice and mix them in a bowl. You can gently exfoliate your skin after a facial steam. This will boost the chances of benefiting from the face mask.

Castor Oil & Olive Oil

Natural oils are effective for cleansing the face. Oils such as castor oil do not over-dry the skin. Secondly, they are highly moisturizing and if used correctly, these oils can save you the budget for pricey moisturizers. Castor oil is good for milky spots as it contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. You can harness the benefits of this oil by simply applying one-half teaspoon of castor oil on your face. Leave the mixture on your face until it is completely absorbed.

You can combine the benefits of castor oil and olive oil. Mix one teaspoon of olive oil with one teaspoon of castor oil. Apply the oils on a freshly washed face. Let the skin absorb the oils.

Castor oil works just as well as coconut oil. They can both be used as a blemish treatment, as well as treatment for white spots under the eyes. As the oils get absorbed into the skin, they fight bacteria build-up that could clog pores while at the same time softening hard, irritated skin. Moreover, these oils work without upsetting the balance of the skin.

While we are on the subject of oils, you can consider trying out essential oils as a treatment option. There are great natural oils that contain anti-aging properties, for instance, lavender, Geranium, myrrh, and frankincense. Consider making your own facial serum using these essential oils. You can apply this serum on your face every night before going to bed.

Pomegranate Peel Powder

Pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant. This fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties and works well as an anti-aging agent. This fruit can help soothe the skin and heal it from milium cysts. You can make pomegranate powder by roasting its peels until they become dark brown and brittle. Later, crush the roasted pomegranate peels into powder form. Make a paste using lemon juice or rose water. Gently exfoliate your skin using this paste and leave the mixture on your skin for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cornstarch

This technique is ideal for people with oily skin. This is because the cornstarch helps absorb the excess oil produced in the skin. Make a paste of using cornstarch and some apple cider vinegar. Apply the paste to your skin. Let it rest for 25 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water.

Garlic Paste

Garlic is a great natural ingredient for fighting any skin flaw. From acne, blackheads, stretchmarks, to white spots under eyes. This bulb is not only a key ingredient in culinary arts but also an effective detoxification treatment. You can take advantage of garlic’s anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects by simply crushing 3 garlic cloves in a mortar. Make a paste by incorporating 3 tablespoons of honey, some water, or rose water. Apply the paste on your face. Leave it for about 25 minutes, and rinse it off.

The Turmeric Remedy

Turmeric is an ingredient that can benefit the skin from a diverse range of skin flaws, such as dark circles under eyes, white spots under eyes, wrinkles, dry skin, and psoriasis. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also rich in antioxidants and has antiseptic properties due to the curcumin nutrient that it contains.

You can make a turmeric face mask using ½ a teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon of raw honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and ½ a teaspoon of milk/natural yoghurt. Apply the paste on your face and leave it there for 15-20 minutes. Alternatively, you can make the paste using facial clay (that you can purchase in drug stores) and a small amount of lavender oil and some water.

You can try any of these face masks at least 1-2 times a week (for sensitive skin), or 2-3 times a week for normal skin types.  With consistency, you will be able to some positive results in time.


  • https://draxe.com/castor-oil/
  • https://www.nourishedlife.com.au/article/155057/benefits-of-natural-oil-cleansing.html
  • Jacqueline Ritz. Everyday Natural, Charisma Media, 2017
  • https://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-milia.html
  • https://www.davidwolfe.com/white-bumps-eyes-remove-10-remedies/
  • http://www.howgetrid.org/white-spots/white-spots-on-face-causes-get-rid-removal-treatment/
  • http://www.bestherbalhealth.com/homemade-garlic-face-mask/