Why Dry Skin Rash on Legs, Nose, Genitals or Eyes

What is dry skin rash? What do you put it? Why do we get them in the winter? You should not worry about this skin condition anymore. We have information and answer to including causes including on legs, armpits, genitals, breasts, around lips, nose, and on the baby.


Dry skin rash is an uncomfortable condition characterized by discoloration, changes in skin texture, scaling, itching, and cracking and it usually appears or occurs due to several of reasons. Some people have naturally dry skin and may experience frequent symptoms.

It can appear on any part of your body and most likely on your hands, arms, and legs. In many cases, lifestyle changes and over-the-counter moisturizers may be all you need to treat it.


In most cases, this is basically a mild, temporary condition lasting a few days to weeks and also, however, at times, it may become severe, long-term skin problem for some.


Why do I suffer from dry skin rash? Is it allergic reactions, eczema or cosmetics, and makeup use? Get the various causes.


Refers form of localized skin irritation that is characterized by dryness, redness, peeling, hardening, breaking, and possible bleeding of the skin. There is some evidence that it can be worsened during periods of emotional disturbance such as high stress or anger.

Allergic Reaction

This occurs when the skin comes into contact with a substance that causes an immune reaction, such as insect bites, or things like poison ivy or oak, various food allergies can also make a rash emerge.

Cosmetics and makeup

This usually affects places like around the eyes, mouth and even around the nails both toes and fingers. Some of them, especially expired cosmetic can cause bacteria or fungi to harbor around those areas either causing infection or dryness.

Lyme disease

This is a rare disease but it is known to cause a rash that can sometimes appear around the eyes. It can spread primarily by bacteria transmitted through tick bites and has symptoms such as itchy rash, fever, headache, fatigue, and nervous system impairment.


This is basically associated with swimming costumes such as goggles and snorkel masks which can be a cause of a rash around the eyes since the rubber will irritate the skin and cause a short-lived reaction.

Seborrheic dermatitis

It is characterized by a red, scaly, itchy rash on various areas of the body, particularly those areas that contain many oil glands. Seborrheic dermatitis can occur on the scalp, eyebrows, and sides of the nose.

Autoimmune disorder

It is when parts of immune system attack normal parts of your body, usually a specific tissue type or location. Autoimmune disorders rarely cause only a rash and can be experienced alongside symptoms such as muscle pain, fever, dry skin or unexplained weight loss.

Other conditions include;

  • Exposure to dry weather conditions,
  • hot water,
  • And certain chemicals can cause your skin to dry out.

During pregnancy

Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) is the most common of this problem during pregnancy.

Pregnancy dry skin rash
During pregnancy


Most women with PUPP may develop small red bumps and hives, and when it is severe, the bumps form large patches.

This rash usually starts on the abdomen and spreads to the thighs, buttocks, breasts, and arms.

It is recommended to use anti-itching topical medications, antihistamines, and topical steroids can control the itching. However, after giving birth, your skin may can to normal state if you keep it well hydrated

Around eyes

Mostly, a red, really dry and itchy rash can develop around the eyes causing a lot of discomfort and pain. There may be many reasons that cause the appearance of the rash around the eyes such as

Dry skin rash around eyes
Around eyes


  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Allergic Reaction
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Lyme Disease
  • rubber from swimming goggles

On baby

Although it is normal for infants to experience rashes around their body, in rare cases do they have dry skin too and it can cause discomfort to the baby

Dry skin rash on baby - contact dermatitis
On baby – contact dermatitis


The following are some common causes of a dry skin rash on babies

  • Baby acne
  • Eczema
  • Erythema toxicum
  • Urticarial
  • Impetigo
  • Ringworm

On legs

The appearance of dry skin rash legs can be due to a number of diseases and conditions, such as infection, inflammation, allergic reaction, parasite and insect bites, and autoimmune processes.

Dry skin rash on legs
On legs


Around nose

Mostly, during winter season, this weather condition can wreak havoc on your skin and exacerbate any existing conditions. The skin around the nose is particularly sensitive, especially if you have a cold and are constantly blowing or wiping your nose.

However, the chronic dry red itchy skin around the nose could indicate a treatable condition such as eczema or atopic dermatitis, or another form of dermatitis known as seborrhea.

Note: Keeping a diary of when breakouts occur may help identify your particular triggers.

In armpit

One under armpit can have several causes, and it may imply something appearing around the underarm itself or suggest a systemic (body-wide) condition.

Contact dermatitis is caused by a severe reaction to something that touches your skin, including chemicals found in a detergent, soap, or fragrance.

Other possible causes may include allergens (agents that cause allergies), infections, autoimmune disorders, or other causes such as stress.

Around lips

These usually affect individuals who are suffering the conditions named below;

Perioral dermatitis

This skin condition is more common among women. Perioral dermatitis will cause groups of small red bumps to appear around your mouth. The rash can also spread to your upper lip, chin, and cheeks, making the areas of the skin very flaky and dry.

Perioral dermatitis dry skin rash around mouth
Perioral dermatitis around mouth



It causes both irritation and inflammation around your mouth and can cause a rash to appear on your feet, face, knees, and hands. The rash can cause itching, redness, and swelling, and will appear thick and flaky.


It is usually due to the allergic reaction that your body produces because of some medication or food and trigger of hives is stress. This type of hive that attacks the lip is known as angioedema.

On breast

Breast rashes occurrences due to dry skin are triggered by the same factors that cause rashes on other parts of the body. Some rashes occur only on the breast. Causes of dry skin rash on the breast may include:

  • Breast abscess
  • Inflammatory breast cancer
  • Mammary duct ectasia
  • Mastitis
  • Nipple dermatitis
  • Nipple piercings or other body art, such as tattooing
  • Paget’s disease of the breast
  • Radiation dermatitis

On genital

Genital rashes can be caused by non-infectious conditions, such as allergic reactions, irritation, or inflammation, or by infectious conditions. Many of the infectious conditions are spread sexually, although some are not.

The treatment needed for a genital rash depends on the underlying cause. Regardless of the cause, however, the itchiness of a rash can be treated with over-the-counter creams such as hydrocortisone.

Note: Vaginal yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications like oral antifungals.


The pictures below demonstrate conditions that can result to dry skin rash with their underlying causes.  Since our skin is the main mirror that reflects what is happening in our bodies, it is important to understand any sign and symptoms associated with these rashes before seeking medication.

See more pictures of skin condition


The following are ways on how to get rid of dry skin rashes:

  • Apply moisturizer several times a day, especially after bathing and hand washing.
  • Use Petroleum jelly also acts as a barrier to help seal moisture into your skin.
  • Apply Natural oils, such as olive oil and coconut oil, may help soothe your irritated skin and replenish moisture.
  • Bathing with milk may help soothe your itchy skin.
  • Oatmeal soap and baths may also help soothe your skin.
  1. http://www.healthhype.com/rash-around-mouth-lips-causes-pictures-treatment.html
  2. http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/breast-rash/basics/when-to-see-doctor/sym-20050817
  3. https://uihc.org/health-library/winter-dry-skin

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