How to Hide a Sunburn Including with Makeup

Summer comes with promises of fun and laughter, beach days and barbecues, swimming and playing volleyball, brunch and restaurants, road trips and so much more. Summer is outside and incredible, but outside is hot and it burns.

Yes, it’s true you can get a sunburn at any time of year. Even on a cloudy day 70% of the suns rays are still emitted. But those are long-wave ultra-violet rays (UVA) that penetrate the skin to the dermis which is the thickest layer. This has long term effects on the skin causing premature aging and wrinkling. The summer sun emits short wave ultra violet rays (UVB). These are sneakier because they burn only the surface layer of the skin, but they do it so well, that the risk for skin cancer shoots through the roof.

Dermatologists say the best thing to do is to put on sunscreen all day, every day, no matter your skin tone. But if for some reason you can’t manage that, then at least put it on in summertime. A sunburn is bad anytime of year, but it’s better to live and look old than to die young.

How to hide or cover up a sunburn
How to hide or cover up a sunburn


No matter how well prepared one is, at least one sunburn is almost guaranteed in summer. Whether it’s an unplanned trip in the spontaneity of summer, or a quick nap on the beach that turned too sweet, sometimes thing just happen.

Unfortunately, the most basic symptoms for a sunburn are: painful, red, inflamed skin that is itchy and peels in patches. That is a rather delicate combination to easily cover up with makeup, and it being summer and all, you don’t want to go out caked in foundation and concealer, lest you melt all over everything.

Here are a few tips that will allow you full coverage that will hold up in the summer heat in the event of an unfortunate sunburn.

Sunscreen. Always

You may already be peeling and red, but you don’t want to be a blistering tomato confined in the house. Even after a burn, it’s important to put on a layer of sunscreen before you go out, or in this case before you launch into the cover-it-up mission- yes, we are calling it that.

Use a sunscreen that is 30 SPF or higher

Always look for sunscreen with Zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a mineral that is useful in many ways, but especially as a screen barrier from the sun, which is why it is used in many sun creams. Beyond that however, zinc oxide helps to reduce inflammation or irritation on the skin and prevent bacterial infections. In fact, it is recorded as being first used as a skin salve in ancient Indian medicine and is known for its burn healing properties. This is why it is especially necessary when used on already charred skin.

Other benefits of Zinc oxide are:

  • It locks in moisture on dry skin which is necessary for sunburn healing.
  • Aids in recovery of damaged tissue.
  • Helps treat acne.
  • Prevents ageing.
  • It is water resistant, so it doesn’t melt off when you swim or sweat.

And there’s still so much more. Zinc oxide is like the gift that keeps giving, and one you should immediately invest in. Because Zinc in itself is not water soluble, it needs to be paired with carrier agents like cream or make-up.

  • When applying sunscreen, spread a generous amount, but make sure its even and take the time to properly massage it into your skin so that it absorbs well.


  • It is best to apply sun screen directly to the skin before any other skin care products.

Aloe Vera

Only the best natural remedy for healing and soothing burns, this is a must when you have a sunburn. Ideally, aloe Vera should be used three times a day in the event of a burn. But with make up on, that would be impossible. But make sure to put some on beforehand and as soon as you wash your face.

There are alternative oils should aloe Vera not work for some reason. Coconut oil, jojoba oil or vitamin E oil also work to keep moisture and soothe the skin.

Afterwards, add a layer of moisturizer to lock in moisture. opt for an oil free moisturizer that has sunscreen for even more protection.

Color correcting concealer

When you get burned, your skin color changes depending obviously on your skin color. Dark skinned people get darker as do light skin people when under the sun due to melanin production. During the healing process, the skin peels to reveal raw skin behind. This can be red and inflamed or brown for dark skin.

This is the hardest part of putting on make up because the skin tones are uneven. Using color correcting tones like green and orange hues complements the inflamed skin on your face. A concealer in these hues will help to neutralize your face.

Blend in the concealer as you usually would, but for your own sake, use a light touch.

Foundation makeup

People often make the mistake of caking on foundation after a sunburn in the hopes of covering it up. This rarely looks anything than overdone and heavy, not too mention extra melting in the heat.

There are specially formulated foundations that are specifically created to deal with redness. That’s a bonus, but if you can’t get a hold of one, a light hand on your regular foundation will do in a pinch.

If you are really worried about over-applying your make-up, use a powder foundation instead. It is lighter but still has good coverage.

Well blended with your concealer, your skin should be more even now.


Your face may already have enough color with the burn and all, but don’t rule out bronzer. Bronzer is not just for highlighting but for shaping your face as well. Use a big brush and spread it through your cheekbones and around your temple.

Extra tips….

  • Avoid using bright shiny colors because they draw attention to the marks on your face.
  • For sunscreen to be effective, it needs to be reapplied regularly. This is difficult with make up on. Instead of washing all your make-up off, use a loose powder that has added sun protection. In fact, if possible, all products you use, should have sun protection.

